Check-Upgrade Command


dnf5 check-upgrade [options] [<package-spec>...]


Non-interactively checks for available updates of specified packages. If no <package-spec> is provided, it checks for updates for the entire system.

DNF5 will exit with code 100` if updates are available and list them; 0 if no updates are available.


Print the package changelogs.
Consider only content contained in advisories with specified name.
This is a list option.
Expected values are advisory IDs, e.g. FEDORA-2201-123.
Consider only content contained in advisories with specified severity.
This is a list option.
Accepted values are: critical, important, moderate, low, none.
Consider only content contained in advisories that fix a ticket of given Bugzilla ID.
This is a list option.
Expected values are numeric IDs, e.g. 123123.
Consider only content contained in advisories that fix a ticket of given CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) ID.
This is a list option.
Expected values are string IDs in CVE format, e.g. CVE-2201-0123.
Consider only content contained in security advisories.
Consider only content contained in bugfix advisories.
Consider only content contained in enhancement advisories.
Consider only content contained in newpackage advisories.


dnf5 check-upgrade
Print a list of packages that have updates available.
dnf5 check-upgrade --changelogs
Print changelogs for all packages with pending updates.

See Also

dnf5-specs(7), Patterns specification