C++ coding style
Indent by 4 spaces
Up to 120 characters per line
Comments start with two forward slashes:
Docstrings start with three forward slashes:
See .clang-format for more details and examples
Character case
Types: CamelCase
Classes: CamelCase
Functions: snake_case
Variables: snake_case
Arguments: snake_case
Constants: UPPER_CASE
Includes grouped and alphabetically ordered within each group:
#include "current-dir-include.hpp" #include <libdnf5-cli/.../*.hpp> #include <libdnf5/.../*.hpp> #include <3rd party> #include <standard library>
Includes within the same directory should use relative paths:
#include "current-dir-include.hpp"
Other includes should use absolute paths:
#include <libdnf5/.../*.hpp>
Includes within the same component should use the double-quote form. E.g. in dnf5:
#include "commands/.../*.hpp"
Includes from a different component in the repository should use the angle-bracket form. E.g. in dnf5:
#include <libdnf5/.../*.hpp>