1. Installing build requirements
Before we can start using libdnf, we need the header files or runtime modules installed. On Fedora, we run one of the following commands according to our needs.
Enable COPR repo with the DNF 5 nightly builds:
$ dnf copr enable rpmsoftwaremanagement/dnf5-testing-nightly
$ dnf install libdnf5-devel libdnf5-cli-devel
Python 3:
$ dnf install python3-libdnf5 python3-libdnf5-cli
Perl 5:
$ dnf install perl-libdnf5 perl-libdnf5-cli
$ dnf install ruby-libdnf5 ruby-libdnf5-cli
While the libdnf5 packages are always needed, we can omit installing the libdnf5-cli packages if we’re not using any of the command-line features they implement.
The libdnf5-devel and python3-libdnf5 packages will be renamed once they don’t conflict with the packages from the currently used DNF 4 stack.