class AdvisoryReference
Public Functions
AdvisoryReference(const AdvisoryReference &src)
AdvisoryReference &operator=(const AdvisoryReference &src)
AdvisoryReference(AdvisoryReference &&src) noexcept
AdvisoryReference &operator=(AdvisoryReference &&src) noexcept
std::string get_id() const
Get id of this advisory reference, this id is like a name of this reference (it is not libsolv id).
- Returns:
id of this reference as std::string.
std::string get_type() const
Get type of this reference. Possible reference types are: “bugzilla”, “cve”, “vendor”.
- Returns:
type of this reference as std::string.
const char *get_type_cstring() const
Get type of this reference.
- Returns:
Type of this reference as const char* !! (temporal value)
std::string get_title() const
Get title of this reference.
- Returns:
Title of this reference.
std::string get_url() const
Get url of this reference.
- Returns:
Url of this reference.
AdvisoryReference(const AdvisoryReference &src)